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Mariana Santos, Communications Officer

In today's Morning Brief:

Editorial: Navigating the Fractures: Insights from FP10 Position Papers 

As I sit down to write this article, I find myself reflecting on the recent influx of position papers submitted by various stakeholders in the lead-up to the development of the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10). I have been closely following these discussions, and I must admit that I am both encouraged and concerned by what I have seen. 

On the one hand, it is heartening to see that there is a broad consensus among institutions on the need for a substantial increase in the budget for FP10. According to the impact metrics derived from the position papers, a staggering 80% of the institutions strongly advocate for a significant budget increase, with many calling for a figure of €200 billion or higher. This level of support is a clear indication of the importance that the research and innovation community places on the future of European science and technology. 

However, as I delve deeper into the specific priorities and strategies outlined in these position papers, I cannot help but notice the lack of cohesion and alignment in the overall vision for FP10. One of the most striking examples of this is the limited emphasis placed on the integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) with STEM disciplines. Only 53% of the institutions strongly advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration, while the remaining 47% express moderate support. This is a concerning trend, given the increasing recognition of the critical role that interdisciplinarity plays in addressing complex societal challenges. 

Continue reading the editorial here

Ricardo Migueis
Head of INESC Brussels HUB


INESC Highlights 

INESC-ID key insights from the “Leadership in Research and Innovation in the Age of AI” event 

Exploring programming languages at Philip Wadler’s Distinguished Lecture. From Ancient Greece to modern cryptography 

Led by INESC TEC: HUB AZUL Leixões with €4.9M available for new public tender 

INESC TEC presents a system for manoeuvring autonomous robots and hosts a presentation of industrial solutions 

Applying AI to predict tumour behaviour? Portuguese and North American researchers develop algorithms to interpret patterns 

Large-scale electrification, decarbonisation and creativity in R&D: this is how the future of the electricity sector is built 

Fostering innovation and excellence within our community. 


We invite you to engage, to reflect, and to join us in shaping the discourse that will define the future of research and innovation in Europe.
Check the full version of the newsletter below or directly on our website and do not hesitate to contact us: 

Mariana Santos, Communications Officer – mariana.f.santos@inesctec.pt 

Ricardo Migueis, Head of INESC Brussels HUB – ricardo.migueis@inesctec.pt


Deep Dive: BRIDGE initiative sheds light on emerging energy challenges and opportunities, from AI to cybersecurity 

In the dynamic and evolving global energy landscape, it is important to keep up with current challenges and seizing the opportunities within the sector. In this respect, several pioneering projects under the BRIDGE initiative are working on topics such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and e-mobility, and also on the broader issues of engagement and inclusiveness. 
Such topics featured high on the agenda of this year’s BRIDGE General Assembly, including the potential application of artificial intelligence (AI), which was highlighted in all of the BRIDGE Working Groups (Data managementBusiness modelsRegulationConsumer and Citizen engagement). 

AI is having a great impact in various smart energy fields, as it has a great potential to increase efficiency, optimise consumption, and improve grid management. AI technologies are already being used in several EU funded projects to process large datasets, predict grid conditions, and reduce false positives when smart meter data are available. AI applications can help in creating more resilient and adaptive energy systems capable of meeting increasing demands and environmental challenges. 

The digitalization of energy systems, cybersecurity and the rise of e-mobility solutions have become even more relevant for BRIDGE projects. The integration of e-mobility with energy grids represents an opportunity to achieve broader environmental goals by reducing emissions, fostering innovation across various technological fields, as well as protecting energy infrastructure from the growing cyber threats. 

These topics are fully aligned with the objectives of the EU Grid Action Plan. The aim is to modernise Europe’s energy infrastructure, improve grid reliability, and integrate renewable energy sources. (…)  

Read the full article here. 


Thematic Areas 

Advanced Computing 

EuroHPC JU signed yesterday the hosting agreement for Jules Verne, the soon to come EuroHPC Exascale supercomputer of France 

Signature of the Hosting Agreement for the Second European Exascale Supercomputer, Alice Recoque 

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 

Google’s DeepMind leads European scoreboard in AI citations 

New commitment to deepen work on severe AI risks concludes AI Seoul Summit 

Bioengineering and Health Technologies 

Industry urges progress on EU biotech initiative 

Electronic systems, Microelectronics and Optoelectronics

France to have Europe’s first industrial scale quantum processor manufacturing facility 

Power and Energy Systems

A new Euratom project will help diversify nuclear fuel supply 

Unlocking the potential: HALEU’s role in energy & medical innovations 



Transversal Areas

EU R&I Policy  

EU election unlikely to rock the research boat 

Make EU research and innovation a “collective priority”, Draghi says 

EU Commission blames low R&D investment for economic stagnation 


ERA Talent Platform: The one-stop-shop gateway for researchers and innovators in Europe and beyond 

R&D Funding

ERC guides applicants through lump sum grant applications 

EIC & EIT: how the EU’s main innovation institutions are working together 

Commission funds Regional Innovation Valleys with €116 million to strengthen competitiveness and promote innovation 


FP10 needs more innovation competitions and fewer grants 

New position papers on FP10: CEA, EMBL, EU-LIFE, VTT 


Cybersecurity centre gets ready to direct EU research 

What dual-use companies need to know about new European Investment Bank rules 

NATO announces first investments from its €1B innovation fund 

EU-NATO collaboration on Defence Research 


Commission launches digital ocean twin prototype 


EU unveils ‘virtual earth’ to advance climate research 

International Cooperation

How European academics can set up safe research collaborations with China 

Third Meeting of the Horizon Europe EU-Montenegro Joint Research and Innovation Committee 

Growing the Commitment to Public Service in the Technology Ecosystem (US) 


European start-up ecosystems are becoming more attractive 




Job Opportunities at INESC

– INESC TEC has 30 vacancies in different work areas, such as Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Computer Science, and more. Find more at INESCTEC website and via LinkedIn 

– INESC-ID has 3 open positions for Research Grants and 1 for a contract as Knowledge Transfer Officer. Know more here. 



Events & Training 


– EACR Early-Career Researchers’ Conference, 25-26 June 2024. Online event. More info here

– Global approach: Is the EU’s international cooperation strategy working? Private Science Business Network workshop, 25 June 2024. More info here


– 5th Internation ESS Conference, 8-10 July 2024, Lisbon. More info here

– Conference: IAMOT – International Association for Management of Technology 2024, 8-11 July 2024. Porto, Portugal. Organised by INESC TEC and FEUP. More info 

– Horizon Europe: The road ahead for the European Innovation Council?, 9 July 2024, 2:30-3:30 PM CET, Online event. More info here

– Annual Network Planning Science Business, 9 July 2024, Brussels, Hybrid event. More info here.  

– Summer Reception & Meet the new Parliament, 9 July 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM CET, Brussels. More info here

-14th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP 2024, 17-19 July 2024, 9:00 – 17:30, Rome, Italy. Register here. 


– Valorise this: How to speed and scale up tech transfer?, 12 September 2024, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Brussels. Hybrid event. More info here


– Hot prospects: When will quantum tech reach the industrial mainstream?, 17 October 2024, 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Brussels. More info here. 


– Horizon Europe: New priorities for the European Research Area policy agenda?, 19 November 2024, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. More info here

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