Registration is open for the advanced online training workshop on ”Remote access for electron microscopy”, taking place Wednesday 24th April, 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm CEST (1:00 pm – 3:30 pm BST).
The free workshop is co-organised by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Euro-BioImaging and Instruct-ERIC as part of the eRImote project. The workshop will be delivered by training and application specialists from Thermo Fisher Scientific and is targeted at facility staff and advanced users.
The workshop encompasses remote operations and remote data analysis and includes interactive live demonstrations and presentations relating to both TEM and SEM systems. Ample time will be allocated for discussing individual use cases and answering questions. The workshop will focus on technical aspects of remote instrument control and data analysis, while aspects of IT infrastructure requirements and training will only be covered briefly.
The deadline to register is Friday 19th April 2024. Contact if you are interested in joining.
More info here