2023, Event, Highlight, HUB event

January 31, 2023

Roundtable: Towards FP10

11h to 13h00 (PT Time/GMT)

Roundtable dedicated to a discussion with with peer-organizations, EU platforms and EU experts on the main issues regarding the public consultation on European R&I Programmes and what they mean for the programming period post-2027.

Confirmed participants include Research and Technology Organisations and universities across Europe, as well as EU networks and ERA stakeholders, including:

  • Business Europe – Confederation of European Business
  • CESAER – The strong and united voice of universities of science and technology in Europe
  • Coimbra Group – Association of long-established European comprehensive, multidisciplinary universities
  • EARTO – European Association of Research and Technology Organisations
  • ERRIN – European Regions Research and Innovation Network
  • EU-LIFE –  Alliance of independent European research institutes in the life sciences
  • European Commission – DG RTD, Unit G2 – Common Programme Analysis and Regulatory Reform
  • Fraunhofer (DE)
  • INESC institutes (PT)
  • IST – Instituto Superior Técnico (PT)
  • KTU – Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
  • LRN – Lukasiewicz Research Network (PL)
  • UC – Universidade de Coimbra (PT)
  • Tecnalia (ES)
  • YERUN – Young European Research Universities Network

Register here until January 27. The meeting is hybrid so you may register for online or in-person participation. Places are limited.

This roundtable is designed to be as interactive and engaged as possible.  Guided by our moderator, Ricardo Migueis (INESC Brussels HUB), ERA stakeholders CESAER, Coimbra Group, EARTO, EU-LIFE and YERUN have accepted to provide inputs to a a wider discussion with other ERA stakeholders and some invited research performing organisations. The conversation will be structured around the chapters described below, considering the structure of information required to complete the public consultation on EU R&I programmes and the implications of our current vision for future of R&I funding at EU level. 


1. Introduction from 5 ERA stakeholders (10’)

Introduction and main data of members participation in the Framework Programme (Horizon Europe).


2. General opinion and implementation issues (20’)

How are you looking at the mid-term review of Horizon Europe? Do you have enough information and knowledge with 2 years of implementation? Are there key issues that you feel need to be addressed/discussed?

Challenge: Identify 3 key implementation aspects to highlight.


3. Analysis and opinion per Horizon Europe Pillar (60′)

Pillar 1: Excellent Science

Pillar 2: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness

Pillar 3: Innovative Europe

Horizontal Focus: Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area


4. Towards FP10: key issues to consider and lighthouse ideas (30’)

Challenge: identify 3 key issues to consider in the mid-term review having in perspective the next programming period (post-2027) and provide 1 lighthouse idea that either/or reflects the trend that, in your perspective, is the ongoing evolution of the FPs or a disruptive idea/vision that should be guiding us towards the next phase of R&I policy and funding at EU level.


The INESC Brussels HUB Winter Meeting takes place in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IST-DEI). Check below the exact location in Google Maps as well as the facilities map of the IST Alameda Campus.

All meetings will be physically held in “7 – Pavilhão de Informática II

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