An international workshop with the participation of internationally reputed researchers and medical doctors to discuss the INESC vision of HT in 2030 and the R&I roadmap to take us there.
Full agenda
Towards a Research and Innovation Roadmap for Health Technologies – A vision for 2030
10h00 – 14h00 (CET/Brussels Time)
10h00 – Opening and Presentation of Draft Roadmap
Joana Matos Dias
Chair of WG Health Technologies
Elsa Angelini
Telecom Paris
Francisca Leite
Luz Saúde
Carina Dantas
Director, SHINE
12h00 – PPP Innovative Health Initiative (IHI): Exploring Synergies and Future Collaboration
Annika Ebernstein
COCIR, European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry
Patrick Boisseau
MedTech Europe
& ALL members of the INESC Brussels HUB WG Health Technologies
Moderator and discussant:
Patrícia Calado
National Delegate to Horizon Europe and Board Member of the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB)
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