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In today's Morning Brief:

Dear readers, this week we reach to you with exciting news: the EU has agreed on the Net Zero Industry Act, a law aimed at supporting green tech manufacturing. This achievment will promote efforts to establish strong domestic manufacturing capabilities within the EU, which will surely benefit INESC in its clean technologies manufacturing. On the other hand, we showcase you two ambitious reformist plans to turn Europe into a tech leader and to address the most prominent healthcare challenges, as the EIC Accelerator has set out six challenges worth €300M, on top of €375M for open calls in 2024; and the EU, along industry, will spend €120M on healthcare research this spring.

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💰 The European Commission has announced a second round of funding calls worth €216 million under the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) as part of the Chips for Europe initiative. The funding targets consortia composed of EU companies engaged in these areas. Check the deadlines and how to apply here.

📢 EARTO has provided feedback to the EU Commission and member states on the upcoming ERA policy agenda (2025-2027). They urge a reevaluation of support for basic research, technological advancement, and innovation scaling. EARTO stresses the necessity of a clear roadmap to achieve the EU’s R&D investment target of 3% of GDP within this agenda. Read the full statement here.

Key Takeaways

– The European Commission has welcomed the provisional agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) this week. This achievement will strengthen the EU’s position as a centre for clean technologies and promote efforts to establish strong domestic manufacturing capabilities within the EU. Know more here.

– The EIC Accelerator has allocated €300 million for six challenges and €375 million for open calls in 2024. This initiative, led by the European Innovation Council (EIC), aims to support tech start-ups and scale-ups across Europe, in line with the region’s technology sovereignty objectives. The challenges cover various fields, including artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, Industry 5.0, quantum chips, food, health, and energy, with each challenge receiving around €50 million. Know more here.

– The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) aims to finance interdisciplinary projects that address healthcare challenges, such as managing heart disease, underutilization of data, biomarkers, healthcare workforce issues, and long-term illness management. With a funding commitment of €120 million from the European Health Initiative, matched by industry contributions, the initiative aims to stimulate health research and innovation. This spring, two calls for proposals will be launched, with deadlines in April and May. Know more here.

INESC Winter Meeting 2024

The INESC Winter Meeting aimed to envision our collective future in Europe and provided a platform for individuals from all five INESC institutes to convene, establish new connections, and foster networking opportunities. In that sense, the event showcased an e-poster exhibition featuring significant research projects from each institution.

The exhibition had a particular emphasis on projects funded by the EU, across thematic areas such as Power and Energy Systems, Advanced Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Advanced Communications Systems and Technology, Electronic Systems, Microelectronics, and Optoelectronics, Bioengineering and Health Technologies, as well as Systems Engineering and Management.

One of the highlighted projects was from INESC Coimbra, in the field of power and energy systems, titled ‘An Optimization Framework to Support Water Supply Systems in the Energy Transition.’ 
The project aims to promote cost-efficient water-energy operation in Water Supply Systems (WSS) by optimizing resource management and evaluating the flexibility of scheduling pumping operations to implement demand response strategies. Developing a prototype decision support tool for real-world operational environments has shown that the optimization framework has the potential to generate significant savings.

Specifically, it can reduce WSS operation costs by 11-52% and contribute to real-time decision-making for efficient and effective WSS operation management.

You can know more about the project here.



A guide through EIC´s funding plan to make Europe a tech leader

According to Science Business, the EIC Accelerator has allocated €300 million towards six challenges, in addition to €375 million for open calls in 2024. This initiative by the European Innovation Council (EIC) aims to provide financial support to tech start-ups and scale-ups in Europe, aligning with the continent’s technology sovereignty policy. The challenges cover various areas including artificial intelligence, virtual worlds, Industry 5.0, quantum chips, food, health, and energy, with each challenge having a budget of approximately €50 million. The submission process involves first-stage submissions open throughout the year, followed by second-stage applications due in March and October for those who qualify in the initial round. Overall, the EIC plans to allocate €1.2 billion in 2024 across its Accelerator, Pathfinder, and Transition schemes. Know more here.

Chips JU announces €216M for projects in semiconductors, microelectronics and photonics

The European Commission has announced a second round of funding calls worth €216 million under the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) as part of the Chips for Europe initiative. These calls aim to support the European semiconductor industry by accelerating the transition of technologies from the laboratory to manufacturing. The initiative aims to strengthen the EU’s capabilities in developing and producing advanced microelectronics and semiconductors domestically. The funding targets consortia composed of EU companies engaged in these areas. Check the deadlines and how to apply here.

MSCA announces new call dates for 2024 calls

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) will allocate over €1.23 billion in 2024 to support the training, skills, and career advancement of researchers. This funding will be distributed across doctoral programs, postdoctoral fellowships, and collaborative projects. Benefiting researchers worldwide and across all disciplines, the MSCA aims to enhance institutional excellence through the support of outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral programs, as well as collaborative research and innovation initiatives. By fostering partnerships beyond academia, including with companies, SMEs, and the public sector, institutions will bolster their global appeal and cooperation networks. Specific call dates and budget details will be confirmed and published on the EU’s Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal following the adoption of the revised Horizon Europe 2023-2025 work program in spring. Know more here.

Over €220 million to fund new Research Infrastructures projects

The Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures call for proposals is currently accepting applications. Deadline for submission is March 12, 2024, for projects falling under the following program destinations:
– INFRADEV: Aimed at developing, consolidating, and optimizing the European research infrastructures landscape to maintain global leadership.
– INFRAEOSC: Focused on establishing an operational, open, and FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) ecosystem for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
– INFRATECH: Geared towards the advancement of next-generation scientific instrumentation, tools, methods, and digital solutions.
Explore the program details, application process, success stories, and more information on the available topics here.

EU launches joint call with South Korea for chips research

According to Science Business, the Chips Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership supporting semiconductor research, is initiating three new funding calls totalling €216 million on behalf of the EU’s semiconductor research partnership. The Chips Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership supporting semiconductor research, is initiating three new funding calls totalling €216 million on behalf of the EU’s semiconductor research partnership. One of these calls is a collaborative effort with South Korea. The Chips Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership supporting semiconductor research, is initiating three new funding calls totalling €216 million on behalf of the EU’s semiconductor research partnership. The initiative invites early-stage research projects involving universities, research organizations, and private companies. Each project requires a consortium from both Horizon Europe and Korea. The EU and South Korea each allocate €6 million to fund successful projects at €1.5 million each. Know more here.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


United Nations’ inter-agency initiative: advancing artificial intelligence ethics and capacity

The HLCP (High-Level Committee on Programmes) of the UN decided to establish the Inter-Agency Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (IAWG-AI), jointly led by UNESCO and ITU (International Telecommunication Union). The group aims to bring together expertise from across the United Nations system regarding AI.  The main objective of the IAWG-AI is to assist the CEB (Chief Executives Board) and HLCP workstreams in matters related to AI ethics, as well as in the development of a strategic approach and roadmap to enhance capacity. The IAWG-AI aims to establish a strong foundation for current and future AI initiatives by integrating ethical and technological perspectives. Its primary objective is to safeguard human rights and accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sub-teams and workstream leads will manage various workstreams within the IAWG-AI, including those focused on ethics, capacity development, procurement guidelines, education, justice, industry, and foresight. Know more here.

EU and Canada kick off new digital partnership to boost AI and cybersecurity research

The EU and Canada initiated their new digital partnership, established in November last year, with a meeting between EU internal market commissioner Thierry Breton and Canada’s innovation minister François-Philippe Champagne, according to the European Commission.
This collaboration will prioritize research cooperation in artificial intelligence, quantum science, semiconductors, and cybersecurity. Further discussions on these topics will take place during a digital dialogue meeting of officials scheduled for February.
Additionally, both parties plan to convene a ministerial-level Digital Partnership Council meeting in the spring to review progress and outline future initiatives. Breton’s virtual meeting with Champagne follows recent agreements between the UK and Canada aimed at enhancing collaboration in science and AI, underscoring the growing importance of international partnerships in these areas. Know more here.



Commission welcomes political agreement to make clean technology manufacturing in the EU resilient and competitive

The European Commission has welcomed the provisional agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) this week. This achievement will strengthen the EU’s position as a centre for clean technologies and promote efforts to establish strong domestic manufacturing capabilities within the EU. The NZIA aims to improve the competitiveness and resilience of European industries, while also creating sustainable employment opportunities. It aligns with the EU’s objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and is positioned as a cornerstone of the Green Deal Industrial Plan. The Act sets a benchmark for EU manufacturing capacity in net-zero technologies, with the goal of meeting at least 40% of projected EU demand by 2030. By establishing favourable regulatory frameworks, the NZIA will attract and support investments in technologies that are pivotal to decarbonisation efforts. Know more here.

Research and Innovation


Boosting language technologies and sovereign capacity with new EC initiative

The Commission plans to establish the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium for the Alliance for Language Technologies (ALT-EDIC). This initiative, part of the Digital Decade Policy program 2030, aims to unite EU countries’ data and resources to develop language technologies and uphold European leadership while adhering to EU regulations and principles. Initially, the project concentrates on language data and large language models (LLMs). The Commission’s decision to adopt this initiative occurred on February 1, 2024. Know more here.

EU and industry will spend €120M on health research this spring

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) aims to finance interdisciplinary projects that address healthcare challenges, such as managing heart disease, underutilization of data, biomarkers, healthcare workforce issues, and long-term illness management, as explained by Science Business. The European Health Initiative has committed €120 million in funding, which will be matched by industry contributions. The initiative’s goal is to stimulate health research and innovation. This spring, the IHI will launch two calls for proposals with deadlines in April and May. The calls will focus on five key topics. The IHI aims to address complex health challenges that cannot be tackled by individual companies or organizations by fostering collaboration between public EU resources and private industry. Know more here.

CERN moves ahead with plans for new particle collider

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is progressing with plans for a new particle collider, aiming to replace the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest particle physics lab, as reported by Science Business. The CERN Council recently concluded a midterm review of the feasibility study for the Future Circular Collider (FCC), a successor to the LHC. Construction is projected to commence post-2035, with an initial electron-positron collider operational about a decade later. A second collider for proton collisions could come online in the 2070s. The FCC aims to advance the energy and intensity capabilities of particle colliders, targeting collision energies of up to 100 tera electron Volts. Know more here.

SB opinion article: FP 10 must provide a comprehensive vision for Europe’s leadership in sustainable research and technology

In their opinion piece for Science Business, Kimmo Koski and Irina Kupiainen emphasize the critical role of early planning for the next EU research program in facilitating data-intensive research and promoting responsible AI development. They caution against solely focusing on specific digital technologies like AI, quantum computing, or virtual reality, which may lead to oversimplification or fragmented solutions. Instead, they advocate for a comprehensive understanding of the necessary components for strengthening the EU’s digital research infrastructure. This includes ensuring access to high-quality data and computing resources while also prioritizing the development of necessary competencies among users. Know more here.

ERA-LEARN report considers the future of EU research partnerships

ERA-LEARN has published its report on the second Partnership Stakeholder Forum that took place in Brussels on 5-6 December 2023, in collaboration with the European Commission. The report discusses the future direction of the EU’s research partnerships, taking into account the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe and preparations for the next research framework, FP10. The text already meets the desired characteristics and is error-free. Therefore, no changes were made. Read the full report here.

EARTO publishes recommendations for new ERA policy agenda

The European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) has provided feedback to the European Commission and member states on the upcoming European Research Area (ERA) policy agenda for 2025-2027.
EARTO expressed concerns about inadequate consultation in some member states, redundant ERA initiatives overlapping with Horizon Europe activities, and an excessive emphasis on academic-oriented actions.
EARTO urges member states and the Commission to reassess their support for basic research, technology advancement, and innovation scaling, advocating for a more focused approach.
Additionally, EARTO emphasizes the need for a clear roadmap to achieve the EU’s R&D investment target of 3% of GDP within the next ERA policy agenda. Read the full statement here.

Right-wing populism poses a threat to research communities, says German research chief

Katja Becker, the president of the German Research Foundation (DFG), highlighted the importance of research communities addressing the increase in right-wing populism, antisemitism, and remigration fantasies.
She made these comments before a Committee of Experts meeting to review proposals for new Clusters of Excellence, emphasizing the invaluable contributions of international researchers funded by Germany’s Excellence Strategy. Becker noted the role of the mentioned achievements in enhancing the competitiveness of German research and fostering a climate of openness and tolerance in society.
However, she warned that recent trends towards right-wing populism and anti-democratic tendencies pose a serious threat to these values.

Generally positive feedback from independent analysis into five EIT KICs

An independent assessment of five Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), operated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), has produced positive results. The review emphasised the KICs’ contributions to EU sustainability objectives, their support for innovation ecosystems across Europe, and their implementation of gender-sensitive measures.
To improve their effectiveness, the review recommended that KICs reassess their revenue generation strategies, explore ways to retain and attract new partners, and ensure the transparency of their application processes.
The EIT was launched in 2008 with three KICs and has since expanded to nine, with only EIT Digital, Climate KIC, and EIT InnoEnergy currently demonstrating clear pathways to financial sustainability. The remaining KICs are also expected to achieve financial self-sufficiency in the future. The independent review focused on EIT Digital, Climate KIC, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Manufacturing, and EIT Urban Mobility. Know more here.

135 new projects in the areas of food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment are starting their research

The EU has allocated €897 million to fund 135 new projects aimed at promoting the sustainable transformation of the economy and society, focusing on areas such as food, bioeconomy, agriculture, and the environment.
As explained by the European Research Executive Agency, these projects, financed through Horizon Europe, will support the EU’s Green Deal objectives by addressing environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and resource management challenges while ensuring food and water security. Additionally, they will align with key EU policies and strategies, including the Circular Economy Action Plan, Zero Pollution Action Plan, and Bioeconomy Strategy Action Plan. Grant Agreements have been signed with the European Commission for these projects, with some already underway and others set to begin soon. Know more here.

Universities network highlights three steps to make careers in academia more attractive and sustainable 

The Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) has proposed three policy recommendations to improve academic careers in response to the European Commission’s request for input:
1. Recognise and embrace diverse contributions while creating opportunities for talent advancement. Foster a culture of open communication and collaboration among academics.
2. Establish strong support mechanisms for ongoing skill development.
3. Providing universities with the framework to support diverse career paths.
Read the full paper here.

European Citizens’ Hackathon Championship 2024 is coming

DG Research and Innovation is launching the first European Citizens’ Hackathon Championship to encourage greater citizen involvement in climate change research and innovation. This initiative aims to promote active participation from citizens, industry stakeholders, local governments, and research communities in co-creating solutions to climate challenges. By enabling citizens to shape the future and collaborate with various sectors, including industry and public administrations, the championship will support EU missions focused on climate neutrality, smart cities, and adaptation to climate change. Stay tuned for the upcoming call for participation, which will be released soon. Know more here.

Commission and EIF invest in defence innovation

The European Commission and the European Investment Fund (EIF) are collaborating to boost investment in defence innovation by introducing the Defence Equity Facility. The EIF will allocate €175 million in equity to venture capital and private equity funds that invest in European companies specialising in innovative technologies with dual-use potential.
The purpose of this facility is to encourage additional private investments in EIF-supported funds, with the goal of mobilising around €500 million to support European companies. No changes in content have been made. The Defence Equity Facility aims to promote innovation and enhance Europe’s defence capabilities by improving access to finance for innovative SMEs, mid-caps, and startups, especially those that contribute to the EU’s defence and security objectives. The improved text maintains the original meaning and structure while enhancing clarity, conciseness, precision, and formality. Know more here.


INOV promotes cybersecurity and privacy initiative through C-HUB consortium

Prepare to explore the realm of cybersecurity and privacy in the era of digital transformation. The C-HUB acceleration session, led by a consortium that includes INOV, offers a distinctive experience, including practical exercises and an evaluation of essential requirements to enhance your SME’s digital security. The session, entitled ‘Cybersecurity and Privacy in Digital Transformation,’ will take place in Lisbon on February 15. I will provide an immersive environment for practical exercises and analysis of cybersecurity and privacy needs.
The C-HUB consortium consists of seven entities with a national focus and cross-sectoral scope. Its members and network have a multidisciplinary nature, enabling them to address local, regional, and national needs across various sectors of the economy and society. Register here.

INESC TEC part of TwinEU project: developing a digital twin for Europe’s electrical system

INESC TEC is involved in the TwinEU project, which aims to develop a digital twin of the European electrical system. With a budget of €20 million and 75 partners from 15 countries, including INESC TEC, TwinEU is one of the largest consortia under the Horizon Europe funding program to date. The objective of the project is to create a digital twin of the electrical system across Europe, which will enable optimal management and planning in scenarios with high integration of renewable energy production. In addition, it aims to promote the creation of new business models related to the flexibility of the electrical system, thus contributing to the achievement of European carbon neutrality goals.
TwinEU will leverage the knowledge of various institutions, such as network operators, technology providers, research centres, and market operators, to develop a pan-European digital twin based on federated local digital models. Know more here.

Ciência e Sociedade podcast is back adressing the biggest challenges for industry

The latest episode of INESC TEC’s podcast Ciência e Sociedade is now live. In this new season, the conversations will explore pressing challenges facing various industries, offering valuable discussions and insights.
In the first episode, industry experts José Carlos Caldeira, António Braz Costa, and Fernando Sousa explore the intersection of science, technology, and public policies within the industrial sector. Moderated by Joana Desport Coelho and José Marques dos Santos, the discussion addresses critical questions such as enhancing the value chain in Portugal, transforming production paradigms, and crafting effective public policies to drive industrial transformation. Check it here.

First CoARA international conference hosted by INESC TEC and other partners in Porto

The CoARA National Chapters Exchange Forum will take place in Porto, Portugal on February 22-23, 2024. This event will bring together distinguished representatives from National Chapters and stakeholders involved in establishing a Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) National Chapter for the first time. This forum, organized in collaboration with INESC TEC, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade do Minho, and Science Europe, aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among participants.
CoARA member organizations interested in forming a National Chapter and seeking insights from established chapters are encouraged to attend the event in Porto on 22-23 February. Please note that onsite seating is limited, but there will be an online option available for remote participation. Know more here.

Job Opportunities

– INESC TEC has 28 vacancies in different work areas, such as Mobile Robotics, Computer Science, and more. Recently they opened a position for the study and development of a fiber optic sensor for monitoring the curing process of concrete structures, and another in industrial Robotics Research. Find more at INESCTEC website and via LinkedIn
– INESC ID has 7 open positions. More info
– INOV is hiring a infrastructure manager and a processing engineer. More info
– INESC Coimbra has announced a PhD position Behavioral Operations Research and multi objective optimization in residential energy management systems. More info

Events & Training 

– Science|Business Annual Conference, session highlight: Back to the Future – Rethinking frameworks in the context of enlargement with Jose Carlos Caldeira, 13 February, 11:30. Know more here.
– INESC-ID Training Workshop: “Horizon Europe for ICT: An Overview”, February 14, 15h-17h30, Lisbon. Register here.
– CoARA National Chapters Exchange Forum, February 22 – 9 am to 23 February 1pm, Porto, Portugal. More info here.
– Access conditions to Technology Infrastructures, organised by the European Commission, February 27, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Brussels. Register here.

– International conference CBRNE Research & Innovation, March 19, 2024 – March 21, 2024, Strasbourg. Register here.
– R&I Week 2024, the European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation, will take place from 18 to 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis, Brussels. The event marks the 40th anniversary of the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes and will focus on discussions on the future of R&I and its role in EU priorities such as technological sovereignty and competitiveness.
During the event, participants will be able to attend various sessions:
– 18 March: Opening of the R&I Week. Know more here.
– 19 March: The 2024 EIC Summit. Register here.
– 19-20 March: Belgian Presidency Conference on Innovation Procurement. here.
– 20-21 March: The European R&I Days 2024. Register here.

– Connecting Europe Days, 2 April, 11:00 – 5 April, 12:30, Brussels. More info here.
– 4th Workshop on Neuroengineering: Brain-on-a-Chip Platforms. 4-5 April 2024. i3S – Institute of Research and Innovation in Health. More information here.
– MSCA Presidency conference: Researcher’s careers – multiple pathways, 18 – 19 April 2024, Mons, Belgium. Register here.

– 8th World Conference on Research Integrity, 2-5 June 2024, at Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC), Athens. Travel Grant applications open on 26 June 2023. More info
– European Sustainable Energy Week 2024, 11 June 2024, 09:00 – Thursday 13 June 2024, 18:00 (CEST), Brussels. More info here.

– Conference: IAMOT – International Association for Management of Technology 2024, 8-11 July 2024. Porto, Portugal. Organised by INESC TEC and FEUP. More info
-14th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing – CSNDSP 2024, 17-19 July 2024, 9:00 – 17:30, Rome, Italy. Register here.

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