INESC was founded in 1980 and has established itself as a role model in the University-Industry relationship. INESC was the first institution in Portugal to demonstrate that through concrete support to sectoral and territorial economic development, research and innovation activities are a crucial element. The value of the activity conducted by INESC led to its recognition as a public utility institution in 1987. INESC´s holding associates are: Higher Technical Institute (IST), Portugal Telecom (PT) Group, University of Lisbon (ULisboa), University of Porto (UP), University of Coimbra (UC) and Correiosde Portugal, S.A. (CTT).
INESC´s research teams are located nationwide
INESC laboratories and research units are hosted by 6 universities (Universities of Minho, Trás-os Montes e Alto Douro, Porto, Aveiro, Coimbra, Lisbon) and 6 Polytechnic Institutes (in Bragança, Vila Real, Porto, Leiria, Lisbon). The privileged link to universities, polytechnics and to the business world enable INESC to contribute to better adapting the systemof scientific and technological education to the economic and social needs.

INESC is present worldwide
Beyond the many collaboration agreements and joint
research and innovation projects with Japan, India, China, South Korea, among others:
– In the United States: responsible for the management of diverse collaborative academic and research programmes with UT Austin, MIT and CMU;
– In Latin America: through its twin lab “INESC P&D Brazil”, bringing together more than 20 Brazilian universities;
– In Brussels: through the INESC Brussels HUB,
a representation office with state-of-the-art
meeting facitlities.
700+ projects, 130+ coordinations in Horizon 2020
In Horizon 2020 alone, INESC institutes have participated in more than 700 projects and
coordinated 130 small, medium and large-scale
collaborative research andinnovation projects,ranging from strategic Coordination and Support Actions to large-scale research and innovation actions.