
Bridging knowledge
production and
knowledge uptake
across frontiers

INESC is the leading Research and Technology Organisation in Portugal, with a multidisciplinary approach and focus on excellence and impact. Our strong European track record speaks for itself . Our action extends across borders and beyond Europe, with decades-long collaboration and presence in the United States (joint programmes with MIT and UT Austin), Brazil (an established RTO since 2012, INESC P&D Brazil), across Asia (Japan, índia, China and South Korea) and Africa.

European reference organization in strategic areas

The HUB will affirm INESC as a European reference organisation both for its research and innovation excellence and capacity to contribute to society, policy and the economy. We will continue to contribute towards scientific, societal, environmental and economic goals with impactful research and innovation in our traditionally strong areas and bring existing and new knowledge in emergent scientific domains and economic sectors.

Focus on
long-term vision

INESC Brussels HUB focuses on a long-term vision for INESC in Europe and the world. We will prepare and position the organisation for 2030 and beyond. As an institution declared as of “public interest”, we will continue to act as crucial partners to both universities and industry, continuously support science-based policy-making, as well as increasinlgly contribute to shape the future R&I agendas.


The aim of the INESC representation in Brussels is


To promote the visibility and reputation of all the INESC research and technology development capacity in Europe and beyond.


To facilitate and increase the representation in key thematic areas, platforms and networks with a view on guaranteeing insertion in projects and programs of strategic interest from an early stage.


To contribute to capacity building of its technical, research and administrative staff in existing and new areas central to its activity.


To position the organisation as a relevant stakeholder in thematic domains strategically and jointly pre-defined by the Management Committee.

The HUB’s activity is based on three main pillars and two transversal levels of action


Strategic positioning activities
– Advocacy of INESC S&T and Innovation interests at the EU and international level;
– Representation in working and expert groups;
– Laison activities with European partners (e.g. EARTO, Science Business, etc.);
– Preparation of high-level meeting of INESC Brussels S&T Hub members with EU commissioners, Director-Generals and membes of the European Parliament;
– Monitoring and analysis of European and national policies in key areas of interest and development of INESC positions when relevant.

– Bridge contacts with European Commission, European Parliament and other European and international entities;
– Adequate hosting and preparation of lobbying meetings in Brussels, providing clear and strategic contents;
– Hosting of research project and other meetings in our facilities in Brussels;
– Training, secondments and capacity building activities;
– Working groups to tackle and deepen knowledge of specific thematic areas, prepare strategic positioning of the organisation, benchmark with international reference entities and personalities, among others.