Innovative Integrated Tools and Technologies to Protect and Treat Drinking Water from Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Water purification and disinfection are crucial processes to provide safe water to citizens, but the low quality of water sources due to soil/freshwater increasing contamination makes this goal very challenging. […]
A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preveNting the spread of fraudulent practices.
WATSON provides a methodological framework combined with a set of tools and systems that can detect and prevent fraudulent activities throughout the whole food chain thus accelerating the deployment of […]
Stakeholders-driven pathways for blockchain implementation in the agri-food sector
13 participants (11 beneficiaries and two affiliated entities) from 7 EU and 1 third countries join forces for supporting the Strategic Research Agenda of the future joint research program on […]