21/07/2023 – European Commission proposes new research programs, ResearchComp Enhances Skills, EU Missions Progress and Budget, Tokyo and Brussels cooperate on Semiconductors & much more
In today’s Morning Brief:
Horizon Europe
Commission proposes 10 new industrial Horizon Europe partnerships
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ Staff Exchanges equip researchers and organisations worldwide with future-proof skills and cutting-edge innovation capacity
Commission press release – Horizon Europe: EU Missions on track to meet their 2030 ambition towards a greener and healthier continent
EIT Digital Grow Digital 23 Conference
Europe looks to virtual factories in new industrial revolution – EU R&I Magazine Article
Introducing ResearchComp: Empowering Researchers with Transversal Skills
Call for evidence period ongoing for the Governance Regulation Report on Energy Union and Climate Action
Call for Evidence: Empowering the EU through Hydrogen Valleys
Open innovation test beds for advanced materials report is out
Assessing European Partnerships against European policy priorities – Independent Expert Report
Commission to propose new research Mission on New European Bauhaus
Research & Innovation
ESFRI publishes Report on Energy and Supply Challenges of RIs
Germany moves to create new restrictions on research cooperation with China
Japan and EU reach deal on semiconductor R&D
Spanish researcher Martínez Peña to take over as ESFRI chair in January
New Nature Restoration Law boosts biodiversity and climate action across Europe
Deep-tech not aligned with multiple vote share structures
ZERO POLLUTION: Commission proposes to ban all remaining intentional uses of mercury in the EU
EU and Chile strengthen cooperation on critical raw materials
News from INESC institutes
INESC TEC develops high-power fiber optic laser for powering nanosatellites
INESC-ID Leads New Horizon Europe Project, SHIFT2DC
Job Opportunities
Events & Training workshops