This High-Level Conference will be dedicated to the role of science-based innovation in the promotion of the digital and green agendas, taking place on the 22nd of June. In order to do so, we will address the key issues and elements in the European, national and regional research, and innovation ecosystems, all needed to ensure an alignment between EU funding goals and R&I institutions, regions and national governments.
In particular we will address:
1) The key role of the wide diversity of research and technology infrastructures in supporting fully functional, competitive, state-of-the-art and disruptive R&I ecosystems, drawing on the experience of a set of ESFRI RIs and TIs across Europe and contributing for the discussion to continue seamlessly in the Czech Presidency of the EU;
2) The funding of the full R&I cycle and its impact on cohesion and competitiveness: it is well known by now that an ecosystem, at any level (supra or sub-national) needs a complete set of entities developing fundamental research, supporting the transition between this research and the market and those who actually uptake the knowledge from lower TRLs and transform it into marketable solutions. This, in turn, requires a fully complementary set of funding instruments that support both basic, intermediate and pre-market research and innovation.
This event will be a hybrid event taking place via Zoom and at Sala Damião de Góis, Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union, Avenue de Cortenbergh 12, 1040 Bruxelles
Full agenda
9h00 Opening
- Caroline Petit, Deputy-Director, United Nations Regional Information Centre
- Julien Guerrier, Director, Common Policy Centre, DG RTD
- Arlindo Oliveira, President, INESC Holding
09h45 Science-based innovation
- Moderator: Inês Lynce, President, INESC ID
- Doris Schroeker, Head of Unit, Industrial Research, Innovation & Investment Agendas, DG RTD
- Otto Bruun, Secretary General, UAS4Europe
- João Claro, Chief Executive Officer, INESC TEC
11h00 Coffee-break
11h30 Research and Innovation Support Infrastructures: An Ecosystem Approach
- Moderator: Susana Cardoso Freitas, Director, INESC MN – Microsystems and Nanotechnologies
- Patrick Brenier, Advisor on ERA and Open Science, DG RTD
- Ellena Hoffert, Coordinator of update of national and European roadmaps on research infrastructures, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, France
- Jan Hrusak, Special Envoy for Research Infrastructures, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Czech Republic
13h00 Lunch
14h30 Skills and capacity building for technology development and innovation
- Moderator: Carlos Henggeler, President, INESC Coimbra
- Armando Pires, President, EURASHE
- Daniel Wennick, Head of Brussels Office for Swedish Engineering Industries
- Rafael Popper, Director, Centre for Foresight and Internationalisation, Łukasiewicz Research Network
15h45 Coffee-break
16h00 Funding science-based innovation: Bridging knowledge production and market uptake
- Moderator: Wim de Kinderen, Programme Director European Affairs, Brainport Eindhoven EU Office
- Jean-David Malo, Director, European Innovation Council
- Teresa Jorge, Coordination Commission for Regional Development, Centro Region, Portugal
- John Rodrigues, Director, Business Development, INESC INOV
17h30 Closing session
- Elvira Fortunato, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal (video message)
- Carla Matias dos Santos, Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU, Research and Space
- José Carlos Caldeira, Chairman of the Management Committee, INESC Brussels HUB