INESC Brussels HUB Winter Meeting – 30 & 31 January (Hybrid meeting)
This edition of the HUB Winter Meeting will take place on the 30 and 31 January, in Lisbon, at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
This year’s edition will:
_ Clarify the Opportunities available for INESC under the Chips Act and the Digital Europe Programme, on the opening session of the Winter Meeting, on the 30th January.
_ Strategic positioning is not possible without a well-planned communication strategy at EU level. As a member of the Science Business network, which includes 70+ of the highest quality higher education institutions, EU companies that heavily invest in research and innovation as well as EU platforms, INESC institutes and its researchers have access to a comprehensive set of services and opportunities. In the morning of the 30th we will have a specific session with Simon Pickard, Science Business Network Director, to present these and to discuss with us how we can best take advantage of our membership and close relation with this EU network and communication means.
_ Promote a better understanding of the best-practices for strategic positioning for structural success in European programmes through a specific best-practice sharing workshop to be held on the morning of the 31st January.
_ Discuss the vision for FP10 and the response to the biggest and more important public consultation covering research and innovation programmes opened by the European Commission in the last few years.
_ Networking and door-opening relationships: check the registration page and indicate whether you will participate in-person in any of the networking opportunities, namely the dinner on the 30th January.
9h to 10h30 GMT
Science Business: how can INESC tap into Science Business network, activities and communications tools
The HUB Winter Meeting aims at bringing together researchers and administrators from the 5 INESC institutes, affiliated higher education institutions in Portugal and abroad, with key European and global players, to:
– Discuss key research and innovation issues at EU level.
– Inform institutional policy and strategy.
– Exchange best-practices about R&I management, career development and policy positioning.
– Promote, discuss and deliver vision, visibility, networking and impactful communication.
– Create, identify and deepen partnerships and collaboration opportunities for collaborative R&I.
The Winter Meetings of the HUB are important moments of networking with key EU participants and among INESC institutes. Your in-person participation is welcome and important. In case you cannot make it, all sessions will be livestreamed through ZOOM. The link will be sent on the 27th January to all registered participants.
INESC research and staff may participate freely by registering HERE until 27th January.
The INESC Brussels HUB Winter Meeting takes place in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IST-DEI). Check below the exact location in Google Maps as well as the facilities map of the IST Alameda Campus.
All meetings will be physically held in “7 – Pavilhão de Informática II“