José Manuel Mendonça, President of the National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CNCTI, and João Claro, President of INESC TEC’s Executive Board, participated in the international conference Green and Digital Transition in the Recovery Plans, organised by the National Innovation Agency (ANI) and the European Association of Research & Technology Organizations (EARTO), which took place on April 26.
Manuel Heitor, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, also attended the event, promoted within the scope of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU. This conference promoted the debate on the green and digital transition in the context of recovery plans, with a focus on technology and innovation, as well as the development and promotion of regional, national, and European tech capabilities.
The event programme included three panels, focusing on different themes: RTOs (Research & Technology Organisations) and their impact on recovery instruments; the importance of the green and digital transition, and finally, the key technologies for this transition.
João Claro also participated in a round table on the future of Research, Development and Innovation activities and the European Research Area, which took place on April 29 – with Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
This meeting, organised in partnership with EARTO, was attended by 10 executive directors of important scientific and technological organisations at European level, who contributed to the promotion of the dialogue on the development of future European innovation ecosystems.